Make 2012 Your Most Productive Year Yet!

Hello, Olga here. How are you today?

At your workplace,

  • do you feel there is so much to do and there is just not enough time?

  • Do you feel pressured and hustled all day, every day, seven days a week?

  • Do you feel the important projects get pushed further and further away in favour of an army of urgent tasks with questionable importance?

Well, I used to feel exactly like this, when month after month, year after year passes without me even pausing for a minute to ask myself what are my priorities, goals and desires. In fact, for many years of my research career I used to feel exactly as you do now: overwhelmed, unproductive, stuck. I used to complain a lot and blame others for my failures.

Trying to solve your predicaments, have you attended time management and productivity seminars and tried different planning systems? Do you feel like they’ve helped some but you still don’t feel you are living the happy, productive, peaceful life you want to live?

A traditional approach to time management would teach you how to get more things done in a shorter periods of time being more efficient. But unfortunately, the truth is: IT DOES NOT WORK.

I have experienced it myself, and I have heard many times from my colleagues: the traditional time management and productivity techniques help some, but there are still a lot of things on our to-do list that just do not get done, and there is not enough time for getting all of the things done.

The truth also is that the traditional “getting things done” approach often leads to an opposite of peaceful productivity and the balanced working and personal life that you long for.

Living the “getting things done” life, I’d feel like crying when walking from work home because yet again there was not enough time for getting everything done on my to do list or I did not get to doing my most important activities! I would be far too tired to enjoy the evening. The days flew by in an exhausting blur.  I was running as fast as I could, but my to-do list kept getting longer.  I wanted to feel ‘better,’ but I wasn’t sure what that would involve.

That all started to change…

when I became a mother (my boys are now 4.5 and 3 years old) and was literally forced to make a much more efficient use of that little time I now had to do my “cutting edge” research at Uni. I have also started to develop new systems and practices that allowed me to keep the work/life balance and stay on track.

In addition, at the beginning of the year 2010 I hired my first ever life coach. Our work together has jump started a new awareness in my life and lead to a tremendous improvement in my work environment.

I noticed I am getting much more done than ever before. I also noticed that I feel much happier, relaxed and pleased about my work/life balance. I have also been able to accomplish some great things in 2010 that I have not even dreamed about earlier. Among other things, I won an international prize for my research and also published an extensive review in my scientific area of expertise.

At about the same time people started noticing….

the changes in me and asking how I manage it all. I began to write down in my blog all the techniques that were helping me in achieving peaceful productivity. The blog posts turned out to be very useful for many people. I have started getting comments back that the stuff I am writing about in my blog is really helping them to be inspired and motivated, and in moving forward to their goals.

With the help of some great mentors I have been working with for two years now, I have refined all the systems and techniques I learned and written them down into a Make 2012 Your Most Productive Year Yet!” Mentoring Program.

Is it really possible to become more productive and yet feel happier at our work place?

Yes! And yes!

Most people just sit back and “hope things get better.” That’s not a very good plan. At some point, you have to make a decision to change how your approach your working day.

Well, I’ll be honest with you, this program is not a magic pill. There IS no magic pill. It is not going to work if you sit back while I dump information into your head. It WILL work if you put into it a little bit of time each day. You have to want your working day to transform. You have to decide. And once you do this one simple thing, you’ll notice strong shifts in the experience of your work and in your life.

Changes like those I have now experienced:

  • I have been promoted to the next grade by my employer.
  • I have received an international prize for my contributions to (high-pressure) science.
  • I have published an extensive review in my scientific area of expertise.
  • I start my day happily every day and bring my positive energy to everything I am part of.
  • I feel on purpose, happy and productive during my working day.
  • I enjoy life with my husband and my two energetic and joyful boys.
  • I am present and full of energy for our special family time together.
  • I write articles for my blog and offer workshops, seminars and mentoring programs about things I am passionate about with a great response.


  • I am a co-author on several research papers published in high-profile journals.
  • I am regularly invited to speak at high-level conferences and meetings and I get to organise conferences and symposia myself.
  • I am a loving daughter and a very involved mom spending a lot of happy time with my children.
  • I have time and space to dream and create all I want.

Do you want to start creating a happy working reality for yourself? Well, then this Mentoring Program is for you!

Sign up for Olga's "Make 2011 Your Most Productive Year Yet!" Mentoring Program to get all the benefits Julika is talking about.

What results can you expect with the

Make 2012 Your Most Productive Year Yet! Mentoring Program?

  • You’ll get clear on your goals and priorities.
  • You will make choices of what to do and how to do it based on your priorities.
  • You will get un-stuck and let go of the things that drain you, overwhelm you, and steal your peace.
  • You will build a sense of control so that you no longer arrive to work in a passive or victim mode.
  • You will learn certain techniques that will transform your daily working experience from inside-out.
  • You’ll genuinely and clearly set boundaries and say NO when you want to.
  • You will finally experience a daily sense of purposefulness & direction.
  • You will stop surviving and start thriving.
  • You will put an end to the thoughts of fear and negativity.
  • Best of all: you get a step-by-step guide that starts you on your way and builds momentum  making you virtually unstoppable in your productive accomplishing.

Here’s what you get with the
Make 2012 Your Most Productive Year Yet! Mentoring Program

The program is designed to guide and support you for 5 full weeks. The program starts on a Monday – pick your day.

1. EVERY DAY Mon to Fri, for 5 weeks – you get HIGH-LEVEL support with a high-power and high-content mentoring lesson that I have created specially for you in a form of a pdf file delivered straight to you e-mail inbox. (You get Sat and Sun for integration and catch-up :-))

2. Your Productivity Tool Kit, delivered straight to your e-mail inbox in a form of pdf files, as we move along during these 5 weeks. It will support you in getting clear and will help you to apply the lessons to your own very personal working and life situation.

3. Check list at the end of every week for additional accountability.

4. An e-mail access to myself to ask all possible questions that you might get along the way. I will be answering them for you every Monday of the program, except the first Monday. Yes, four times during this program I will be answering your questions and encouraging you in facing all those challenges that will come up during the time of the program.


And here is the best part:

You get my own personal 100% Money Back guarantee!!

Try the program for 21 days, spending a bit of time every day on reading the material and working through the exercises. And if you do not see any changes towards becoming peacefully productive or simply unsatisfied with something, you get your money back 100%!

Why would I do this? Because I know the transformational power of the systems and techniques I teach, I know that I deliver massive-value and high-level productivity building content  and if for some reason it does not work for you – get you money back, keep the received material and I still love you! 🙂

Olga Degtyareva, the author of the "Make 2011 Your Most Productive Year Yet" Mentoring Program

So if you’re ready to take your working and personal life to the next level of productivity, click the link below to register for this program. I’m truly excited to start working with you! I can’t wait to send you the details of my mentoring program!

Love, Olga

Sign up today. The investment into your clarity and peaceful productivity is £249. Pick the date you want to start the program.

P.S. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (